This whole commitment to making all of my blog entry titles Shakespeare quotes is becoming challenging. But I think it makes me sound smart and sophisticated, which makes me feel important, which is the main purpose of life, I think. Being important. Anyway......
I think I should probably win a prize or something for complete lack of commitment to maintaining this blog. The last entry wasn't even from this YEAR, although I think it kind of counts, since it was New Year's Eve, which is PRACTICALLY 2011. But now it's May 8, which I am aware is 5 months later. So I've decided I need to make up my mind whether or not I want to bother keeping up this blog.
I just thought about it for approximately 30 seconds and I've decided I will. Even though I have nothing interesting to say today, even though I probably will have nothing interesting to say tomorrow either, I AM NOT A QUITTER. My secret hope is that if I just keep writing stuff,eventually some publisher will stumble upon (oooh, I wonder if there is a way to add my site to Stumble Upon. I suspect you probably have to pay for something like that, which seems like a silly expense.) my writing, will declare me a genius, and will insist that I write a book, which will become a bestseller, and I will travel the world signing copies of my fabulous memoirs and letting people believe I'm some sort of literary genius. In short: I WILL BE GREAT.
I am aware that the truth of the matter is likely that the only person who will be reading this is my mom, and mostly just because her blog links to mine, so she'll probably feel guilty if she sees I've written a new post and doesn't read it. But I guess you have to start somewhere....