Monday, August 01, 2005

Oh. Right. I have a blog.

Oops. Kind of forgot about this for awhile. A perfect of example of my usual week-long enthusiasm for something before I get bored and wander off. But I came back! So there. Anyway, it's Monday night, and I am taking some time off from looking up random musical activities to do with the kids at camp for the next four weeks. AH! Highlights thus far: weekly karaoke sessions (including Leah's and my particularily enthusiastic performances of Downtown) spending an entire day dressed as The Paper Bag Princess (Hallowe'en Day, folks) and setting what could quite possibly have been the world record for putting up AND decorating an artificial Christmas tree in July. Oh yeah, and getting paid to eat popcorn and watch Elf. Oh Will Ferrell, what would we laugh at if we didn't have you? Anyway, so that's my life. I'm dogsitting and enjoying the luxury of having a car, unfortunately only until Saturday when I will have to return said dog, said car and the house that they both belong to to their rightful owners. Oh well. It was fun to have a car for a couple weeks. It's official; I can now drive a standard without stalling. Watch, now I'll stall on my way out of the driveway tomorrow morning. Well, I'm off to have a shower and read the newest book I've started since completing the latest Harry Potter. IT'S SAD AT THE END......READERS BEWARE. And no, I will not tell you who kicks the bucket in this one. Later ;)


Siapas said...

Just finished reading Potter VI. So sad. And yet... predictable?

Please call so we may discuss the details. I'm dying to talk to someone about it!

thisboyzlife said...

kinda repdictable, yes but i sitrll balled my eyes out
it's terrible

I'm anxious for book 7.

glad you're back on the blogging track!!