Friday, September 17, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog....

I just realized after typing that title that this blog has suddenly become an homage to Shakespeare. So I included a picture of him to make it official. In fact, as of right this moment, I have issued a challenge to myself to try and make all of my post titles Shakespearean quotes. Not one to back down from a challenge by anyone, I of course have no choice but to accept. Therefore, all posts will now begin with quotes from Shakespeare's plays. Only the best for this blog, baby. what? I couldn't decide whether or not to write another post tonight. I have nothing of value to say, and didn't want to set any unreasonable precedents like I will write a post every day. Because I won't. I think I should aim for once a week. Two posts in a row like this is a bit of an anomaly, but because it's still new and I love novelty, I couldn't resist checking it out again today and messing around some more with the layout. I'm most proud of the feature at the bottom where I have a video bar made up PURELY OF FRENCH AND SAUNDERS SKETCHES. You're welcome people who appreciate British comedy.

So, I don't know if any of you know this, but I'm probably the coolest person in the whole city of Toronto RIGHT NOW. It's Friday night, and I am wearing an old pair of my sister's volleyball shorts and a tank top, sitting on my Ikea couch drinking caffeine-free diet pepsi, watching Step Up 2 on TV, playing country music on my guitar and blogging. I'm also doing laundry and considering running the dishwasher while trying to figure out how many more days I can survive on one garbage bag and one roll of toilet paper because I'm broke with a capital B. Yup. Coolest person EVER. To celebrate my awesomeness, and also the fact that it is finally FRIDAY, I'll leave you with this song.

You're welcome everyone who likes Fridays, and the one crazy loser (ahem, Kim) who likes country.

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